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Peter A Minang on the links between agriculture and forestry to improve food security in Africa
Managing Farming and Forests as One System - Peter Minang, World Agroforestry Centre
Peter A Minang | Local Incentives
Africa's dry forests key to food security
Peter Akong Minang PhD, Global Coordinator ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins
Dennis Garrity on evergreen agriculture
Decoupling agriculture from deforestation: Win-wins for climate, livelihoods and food security
Increasing food security and nutrition through ecosystem services
Peter Minang talks about the use of PGIS practice in the context of REDD
Terry Sunderland discusses the links between great apes and poverty
Sheila Sisulu on the importance of dry forests for food security and the livelihoods of women
Patrick Worms - Zambia agroecological miracle workers